2014-12-20 - LBJ and Reagan HS Laps

^z 1st April 2023 at 4:48pm

~12 miles @ ~10.6 min/mi

LBJ High School track is defended by fences plus a moat-sized puddle from recent rain. After pausing to take selfies I find a way through and do a lap to decorate the trackfile map. Neighborhood sidewalks are blocked by Dads' pickup trucks parked behind Moms' minivans. City lights reflect off low clouds to illuminate Southern Walnut Creek Trail —just bright enough to reveal a Rodent of Unusual Size when it scampers across my path.

A side trail leads to the YMCA on Hwy 183 & 51st St, where I meet the first fellow traveler of the day and try to remember the poem "Ozymandias" (legs feel like stone!). Near the iconic Austin water tower there's a maroon cap to pick up on the sidewalk. Stop at Paco's Tacos for more photos; return there with wallet two hours later to buy carry-out breakfast burritos.

On Cameron Rd crows caw and flock. Waiting at a bus stop, a young fellow finishes smoking a joint. Hmmmm — guess this is Austin! Find an open gate and join a lady doing laps on the track at alma mater John H. Reagan HS. Finish the quart of "Fierce Blue" flavored Gatorade that fuels today's jaunt. Accelerate to sub-9 min/mi pace for final miles, adding fractal zigzags to get the distance past 12.

Runkeeper records route.

^z - 2015-01-07